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Galerie im Körnerpark
Galerie im Körnerpark, Neukölln’s first municipal gallery, opened its doors to national and international artists in 1983. Today, it is one of the most renowned exhibition venues for contemporary art in Berlin.
Art in the Park
Galerie im Körnerpark’s location in one of the most beautiful parks in Berlin offers an opportunity to take art outdoors into the grounds. Each year, varied and partly experimental exhibitions, installations, and performances are presented inside the gallery spaces and also in the gardens outside, which were designed in a neo-baroque style and offer artists a range of possibilities. A large terrace, four expansive staircases, and a water cascade with a fountain are all often included by artists in the creative process as they develop exciting site-specific works that lead to interesting interactions with park visitors.
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept applications for exhibition projects in the Galerie im Körnerpark - except for applications for "Art in the Park". The application should include a concept, a CV, and a portfolio with images.
Schierker Str. 8
12051 Berlin
Traffic connection: S+U Neukölln or S+U Hermannstraße
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Opening Hours
Daily 10 am - 8 pm
Closing days: December 24 +25, December 31 + January 1
Free Admission
Art Education
Art Education
Art Education
Art Education
Künslabücha # Geometrie
Künslabücha # Geometrie
Die Einzelausstellung von Agnes Denes frühem Werk, das in Berlin realisiert werden sollte, ist Ausgangspunkt für die Künslabuch Projektwoche „Geometrie". Sie richtet sich an Neuköllner Willkommens- und Regelklassen.
Ein kostenloser Workshop für Kinder und Familien, um Pflanzen des Körnerkiezes zu bestimmen, zu untersuchen und zu drucken.
Künslabücha #Freude
Künslabücha #Freude
Projektwochen zur Ausstellung in "Watte und Nadeln - Konturen von Trauer"
Every Single Thing That Exists In This Infinite Universe Is Either…
Every Single Thing That Exists In This Infinite Universe Is Either…
Join the curator of the exhibition Dr. Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska, for a guided tour through Every Single Thing That Exists in This Infinite Universe Is Either…
Grounding Biospherics
Grounding Biospherics
ATTENTION new date: February 23, 2025
The artist Sybille Neumeyer and the scientist Dr. India Mansour invite you to a art/science talk and workshop.