Juan Pablo Macías – TIEMPO MUERTO
Opening of the exhibition Juan Pablo Macías – TIEMPO MUERTO with introduction by curator Angelika Stepken, and Juan Pablo Macías
Opening of the exhibition Juan Pablo Macías – TIEMPO MUERTO with introduction by curator Angelika Stepken, and Juan Pablo Macías
Curator Angelika Stepken and artist Juan Pablo Macías will guide through the exhibition Juan Pablo Macías – TIEMPO MUERTO.
We cordially invite you to the finissage with a final guided tour and a performative programme through the exhibition.
The artist Sybille Neumeyer and the scientist Dr. India Mansour invite you to a art/science talk and workshop.
The kids of the 5th grade at Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium engaged with one of the themes of the current exhibition Every Single Thing That Exists In This Infinite Universe Is Either…: the fluid boundaries between people, objects, nature and the animal world. The children made drawings in which they created their own imaginative cycles - life situations based on co-existence, connectivity and reciprocity rather than exploitation.
We often only encounter the living world on the surface, maintaining the separation between ourselves and the ‘other’. In dialogue with the exhibition Every Single Thing That Exists In This Infinite Universe Is Either… and Körnerpark’s complex history of extraction and burial, we invite you to a course of meandering musings: 10 nuggets of nourishment and thought to provoke artistic and philosophical confrontations (above and) beneath the surface.
Join the curator of the exhibition Dr. Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska, for a guided tour through Every Single Thing That Exists in This Infinite Universe Is Either…