
with guided tour

We cordially invite you to the finissage of Every Single Thing That Exists in This Infinite Universe Is Either…. with guided tour.
Join the curator of the exhibition Dr. Karolina Wlazło-Malinowska, for a last tour in whitch participants will be invited to explore the intricate stories and complex relationships between human and other-than-human life presented by the artists.

17-19 Uhr: PflanzentauschGeschichtenBörse – Sarah Afua Asante Ntiamoah
At the finissage, a PflanzentauschGeschichtenBörse will invite you to bring little plants, cuttings, or seeds and exchange them with others. It’s a space to share the stories of your plants, pass on knowledge, and reflect on how we live with them.

18.00 -18.10: „Two-way- Das Mikrobiom”– Reading von Sara Hiruth Zewde
A questionnaire about the function, nature and unexplored meaning of the microbiome. With the help of a participatory questionnaire, Sara-Hiruth Zewde generates a text together with visitors to the exhibition that poetically explores the microbiome. Francesco Mancori’s work and the question of whether we really have free will are the starting point for further speculation about our inner connections and interdependencies.

18.10-18.30: „balancieren”– Reading von Hannah Senoner
A text about balancing between control and chaos in everyday life – accompanied by invisible microorganisms on the skin and ominously staring daddy-long-legs next to the bed. Pervaded by an occasional desire for regression, a distinct affinity for metaphor and a latent fear of one’s own transience.

The event is a cooperation between Galerie im Körnerpark and the Institute for Art in Context at the Universität der Künste Berlin.

Image for Finissage
© Gloria Jurado
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