In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall.
© Linus Rauch

There, Here

The intervention There, Here takes up the round arches of the neo-baroque architecture at Körnerpark and opens up a dialogue between material, space and illusion.
In each of the twenty niches, placard paper is attached - albeit with the sky-blue reverse side facing outwards - making the colour blue the protagonist of the site-specific wall work. The usual function of the blue reverse side of the poster paper is to prevent older layers of advertising posters from showing through.
The material, actually a medium for communication, is transformed here into an element full of ambiguity through its repositioning and draws attention to the interplay of form, colour and surroundings.
The geometric unity of the blue surfaces suggests a façade and echoes the classic motif of the window in painting. The impression of a sky reflected in these windows could be understood as an allusion to an unfulfilled longing - for an imagined south, a utopian distance or an idealised past.
This poetic suggestion of distance and the hidden blends harmoniously into the historical layout of the park, whose neo-baroque aesthetic itself evokes the air of an idealised place.

In collaboration with Kris Douglas

Curated by Clara von Schwerin

Participating artists

In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall. In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall. In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall. In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall. In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall. In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall. Körnerpark sind blaue Plakate in den Arkaden der Wand plakatiert. In Körnerpark, blue posters are displayed in the arcades of the wall.