Im Körnerpark läuft ein Mann mit einem Faden um ein Spindel
© Nihad Nino Pušija

Jürgen Kuhn – In a circle

The performance “In a circle” reflects on our neoliberal economic system, which is geared towards pure profit maximization.
The artist processes goods from East Asia into an art object. For this, the wool of worn and discarded sweaters is separated and rolled onto a bobbin. By walking in a circle, the wool is coiled from the carrier spool onto a sculpture (walking stick) placed in the center. In a continuous process of walking in a circle and unwinding the wool, a walking stick is transformed into an art object.

Image for Jürgen Kuhn – In a circle Image for Jürgen Kuhn – In a circle Image for Jürgen Kuhn – In a circle Nahaufnahme der Spindel mit verschiedenen bunten Fadenrollen. Image for Jürgen Kuhn – In a circle Image for Jürgen Kuhn – In a circle Im Körnerpark läuft ein Mann mit einem Faden um ein Spindel