Juan Pablo Macías – TIEMPO MUERTO
Yolanda Kaddu-Mulindwa, Gallery Director
Angelika Stepken, and Juan Pablo Macías
The work of Juan Pablo Macías engages with anarchism as a global concern by connecting European anarchism with indigenous critiques and various forms of knowledge. The exhibition presents for the first time all issues of the magazine TIEMPO MUERTO (Dead Time), which Macías has been publishing since 2012 and which addresses anarchist practices. It critiques representation in the art context and is central to his multifaceted practice.
In 2009, Macías discovered the Biblioteca Social Reconstruir in Mexico City, an anarchist library founded in 1978 that was evicted due to financial issues. A year later, he organized a meeting on the anarchist movement in Mexico, the transcripts of which were published in TIEMPO MUERTO #0 (2012). The magazine addresses topics ranging from private property to culture and nature. The latest issue, TIEMPO MUERTO #7, is released in conjunction with the exhibition in Berlin and focuses on the relationship between anarchism and the Thracian god Sabazios/Dionysus.
Macías sees the connection of art, institutions, and anarchist thinking as a “triadic unity” and aims to promote sustainable wisdom and memories that are obscured by power structures. He seeks manifestations of life, cultural celebrations, the fragility of nature, and care between humans and non-humans.
With the support of the Mexican Cultural Institute in Germany (KIM). (KIM).