Juntos / Bî Hevra
Performance & Theater
The theater project Juntos/ Bî Hevra tells of fragments from the biografie of Mirah Laline, the director who grew up in the Brazilian Amazon, and the Kurdish-Syrian rapper Lian Khalaf. An intercultural couple who meet in Berlin, build their life together there, and do so together with their three-year-old son. A dokufictional evening that lets the audience participate as guests of the couple’s Kurdish-Brazilian wedding celebration. A wedding that brings German, Portuguese, Kurdish, Arabic and Spanish, mostly colonial languages, onto the stage.
A web of present and family histories is knitted, which grows together into a common Geflecht of the present, especially through the vast postcolonial context. We become witnesses and actors of the feast, of the anecdotes of life, of traumas, but also of situations of cultural commonalities and conflicts. A wedding evening playing with the past, present and future of those present. How do political situations have an unimpeded effect on a biografie? And, how can the artistic reappraisal of this rhizome-like life path be the impetus for consciously leaving a passivity? The couple is subject and object of their research, thus author:in their own story and at the same time actor:in and spectator:in their plot. Juntos/ Bî Hevra means “together.” During this ceremony, they will tell, experience and live together as a wedding community.
Admission only with Covid test or proof of vaccination!
Admission: Premiere free of charge
TEAM Direction & Dramaturgy: Mirah Laline, Sergio Etchichury, Uriara Maciel, Viviana M. Medina
Assistant Director: Gilmara Guimarães
Text: Fadi Waked, Mirah Laline, Viviana M. Medina, Lian Khalaf
Dance & Choreografie: Fadi Waked
Set design: Andreina Vieira dos Santos, Zé de Paiva
Costume: Cíntia Rangel Martins
Rindskopf / Boi Bumbá: Alexandra Deutsch
Production management: Marie-Therese Bruglacher
Artistic direction: Nadine Isabelle Henrich, Mirah Laline,Viviana M. Medina
Public Relations: Nadine Isabelle Henrich
Cast Bride: Mirah Laline Groom: Lian Khalaf Maid of honor: Viviana M. Medina Best man: Fadi Waked MUSIC Alabê / Drummer: Joelson Menezes da Silva Heval Trio: Mêvan Younes (Buzuq), Hogir Göregen (Percussion), Mikail Yakut (Accordion)