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© Nihad Nino Pušija

Elisa Dierson / Katja Marie Voigt – Floating Pollen Aerosol

A gigantic pollen grain floats in the air in front of the gallery in Körnerpark. It is an oversized “plant aerosol.” The installation “Floating Pollen” brings pollen grains into macro focus – pollen circulates through the air, pollinates flowers and is inhaled by us. Its multi-faceted geometry becomes visible under a microscope. The pollen grain in Körnerpark is a mixed type of hexagon and dodecahedron. Flying objects and honeybees have featured frequently as protagonists in the works of Elisa Dierson and Katja Marie Voigt as far back as 2012. “Floating Pollen” (2020) was created as exploration of the invisible particles that surround us in the air.

Elisa Dierson und Katja Marie Voigt am Fertigstellen der Detailaufnahme der Künstlerin beim Lackieren ihres Werkes Elisa Dierson und Katja Marie Voigt hinter der Die Künstlerinnen beim Anbringen ihrer Kunstinstallation Blick von oben auf das Kunstwerk Vorderansicht der Galerie und der Die