Ashkan Sahihi – Die Berlinerin
© Nihad Nino Pušija

Ashkan Sahihi – Die Berlinerin

For his snapshot of the city Berlin, Ashkan Sahihi photographed more than 370 women who live here permanently or temporarily. They are all, in their own individual way, part of the dynamic that shows Berlin lifestyle. Scene women, mothers, entrepreneurs, employees - Sahihi shows women who are shaped by their milieus and yet repeatedly defy the usual attributions. Walking through the exhibition, which shows around 100 portraits in three monthly stages, one encounters Berlin women who look at life with self-confidence, skepticism, courage, reserve, and openness.

Participating artists

Askan Sahihi, Die Berlinerin, Vernissage am 16. Oktober 2015 Image for Ashkan Sahihi – Die Berlinerin Image for Ashkan Sahihi – Die Berlinerin Image for Ashkan Sahihi – Die Berlinerin Image for Ashkan Sahihi – Die Berlinerin