• Reading

Valeska Peschke – Reading

Tanja Dückers and Ulrike Guérot read from the new catalogue, “Valeska Peschke: Amikejo, Europa, Welt, All.”
Verlag edition Luise Metzel, 2019

Peschke’s five-metre inflatable, enterable sculpture, located in the park, makes reference to Rem Kolhlhaas Koolhaas’s EU Barcode. Using an image of the European volcano, the artist points to alternative ways of thinking about home, territory, and borders — to a global rather than national way of thinking — Europe as a volcano, as friction between different cultures: eruption, awakening, new ground.

Ein bunter aufgeblasener Vulkan steht im Körnperk und Besuchenden stehen darum herum
© Nihad Nino Pušija