• Ausstellung

Ausstellung Steinwerkstatt im Kreativraum

From July 22 to August 2, 2024, the Department of Culture of the Neukölln will be exhibiting works by Neukölln pupils who took part in the 2024 sculpture workshops.

For years, pupils from Neukölln have been discovering and trying out the craft of sculpture in workshops.
On the terrace in front of the creative space at Körnerpark, professional sculptors guide the pupils in working the 195-million-year-old limestone with creativity, patience and manual dexterity according to their own ideas. The main aim is to use the stone to understand and create a form and to gain new experiences in craftsmanship. At the end of the workshops, the workshop participants take “their” limestone home with them. This year, the Department of Culture is presenting some selected results to the public in the Körnerpark’s “Kreativraum”.

The works shown in the exhibition were created by pupils from Eduard-Mörike-Grundschule, Regenweiher-Grundschule, Richard-Grundschule and Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium Neukölln in grades 3 to 6.

The exhibition is open from Monday to Friday from 12 noon to 6 pm.
Free admission.

Limestone blocks with tools
© Udo Klenner