Der Schneckenexpress, Das Bauto, Der Vogel-Löwe
Kids visit the exhibition
The kids of the 5th grade at Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium engaged with one of the themes of the current exhibition Every Single Thing That Exists In This Infinite Universe Is Either…: the fluid boundaries between people, objects, nature and the animal world. The children made drawings in which they created their own imaginative cycles - life situations based on co-existence, connectivity and reciprocity rather than exploitation.
These drawings serve as an entry point to the exhibition - both for the children themselves and for the adults, with whom we will afterwards view the exhibition together.
Masha Pryven has worked with children as part of a cooperation between the Galerie im Körnerpark and the Institut für Kunst im Kontext at the Universität der Künste Berlin.
Everyone is welcome.