• Artist Talk
  • Reading Group

Artist Talk & Reading Group

with Day Eve/Audioslut und Kathy-Ann Tan

We are pleased to host an artist talk with Day Eve/Audioslut on grief, transformation and healing practices in and through art, moderated by Kathy-Ann Tan (Mental Health Art Space).

To be followed by a reading group session on love, grief and healing from an intersectional feminist perspective at 7 pm. Together we will read a chapter from bell hooks “All About Love”.

The discussion and reading circle will be held in English.

The number of participants for the reading circle is limited to 20. Please register via email at beatris.wakaresko@bezirksamt-neukoelln.de. The text will be sent to the participants after registration, some copies will be available on site.

Image for Artist Talk & Reading Group
© Kathy-Ann Tan
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